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What is Cerebral Palsy (CP)?

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture. It is the most common motor disability in childhood and affects around 1 in 500 children worldwide. CP affects the way the brain develops, resulting in impaired movement and coordination. People with CP may also experience other problems, such as seizures, sensory impairments, speech difficulties, and learning disabilities.

CP is not a single condition, but is actually a group of disorders that can range from mild to severe. CP is usually caused by a brain injury that occurs before, during, or shortly after birth. It can also be caused by an infection or illness during pregnancy or after birth. In some cases, the cause of CP is unknown.

The primary symptom of CP is an inability to control the movement of the affected body part. People with CP may experience stiffness, weakness, or lack of coordination in the limbs. They may also have problems with balance, posture, and walking. Other symptoms include muscle spasms, seizures, and sensory impairments.

Treatment for CP depends on the type and severity of the disorder. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and medication may be used to help improve mobility and coordination. Assistive devices, such as walkers and wheelchairs, can help people with CP to move around more easily. Surgery may be used to treat some types of CP, such as to release tight muscles or to correct joint deformities.

CP is a lifelong condition that cannot be cured, but with proper treatment and therapy, people with CP can lead full and active lives. With the right support and help, people with CP can achieve their goals and reach their potential.