> 文章列表 > 元宵节元宵馅英文怎么说




When it comes to traditional Chinese delicacies like dumplings, rice dumplings (wrapped in reed leaves), glue pudding, and Lantern Festival, foreigners usually refer to them as \"dumplings.\" The word \"dumpling\" is a more formal term that encompasses various types of foods with fillings wrapped in dough or leaves.


Actually, there is no need to specifically mention \"dumpling\" when talking about Chinese food like jiaozi (dumplings) in English. Foreigners are generally aware of the term \"dumpling\" as a more formal way of describing all types of foods that are wrapped in dough or leaves, including puddings and jiaozi.

汤圆的英文单词是什么? - Minny酱 的回答

The English translation for \"汤圆\" is \"glue pudding\" or \"sweet dumplings.\" These boiled rice dumplings are made with sticky rice and have various sweet fillings.


The English translation for \"元宵节\" is \"the Lantern Festival.\" During this festival, people celebrate by going out to admire lanterns and participate in activities like guessing riddles written on the lanterns.


The English translation for \"祝大家元宵快乐\" is \"Happy Lantern Festival to you!\" It can also be expressed as \"Happy The Lantern Festival!\" or \"Happy Lantern Festival!\"


Lanterns are an important symbol of the Lantern Festival. During the festival, people go outside to admire the lanterns and enjoy the tradition of guessing riddles written on the lanterns. This activity adds excitement and fun to the festive atmosphere.


In South Korea, there is no specific term for the Lantern Festival. Instead, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is known as \"正月大望日\" (Jeongwol Daeboreum), which means \"admiring the full moon.\" Unlike in China, the Koreans do not eat yuanxiao (sweet dumplings) on this day. Instead, they celebrate by eating a mixture of sticky rice, sorghum, and other grains.


Here are some translations of common Lantern Festival customs:
- Eating sweet dumplings: \"eating sweet dumplings\"
- Lantern show: \"lantern show\" or \"lantern festival\"
- Setting off firecrackers: \"setting off firecrackers\"
- Guessing riddles: \"Guess riddles\"


Here are some festive greetings and well wishes for the Lantern Festival:
1. \"All wishes come true! Happy Lantern Festival!\"
2. \"Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival and all the best!\"


Here is a list of English words related to different holidays:
- New Year\'s Day: 元旦
- The Spring Festival: 春节
- The Lantern Festival: 元宵节
- International Working Women\'s Day: 国际劳动妇女节
- A...